Joi: Detailed Overview & Metrics

v17.9.2(about 1 year ago)

This package was last published over a year ago. It may not be actively maintained.Types definitions are bundled with the npm packageNumber of direct dependencies: 5Monthly npm downloads

Joi is a powerful and flexible JavaScript validation library used for validating and sanitizing data. It provides a declarative and schema-based approach to define validation rules for objects, arrays, strings, numbers, and more. Joi offers a wide range of built-in validation rules and allows you to create custom validation rules as well.

Compared to other validation libraries, Joi stands out with its intuitive and expressive syntax, making it easy to define complex validation rules. It also provides detailed error messages and supports asynchronous validation. Joi is actively maintained and widely used in the JavaScript community, making it a reliable choice for data validation in your projects.

Alternatives: yup, validator.js, ajv

Tags: javascriptvalidationdataschemasanitization